White Collar Crime ?
white collarcrime

White Collar Crime ?

Q. White collar Crime.  its cause of crime. Explain how to eradicate white Collar crime from society

white collar Crime is increasing day by day. here are some reasons that explain white-collar crime. and some solution


  1.  Introduction  
  2.  Concept of white-collar Crime:→  
  3. Definition of white-collar crimes→ 
  4. Elements of white-collar crime 
  5. Causes of white collar crime 
    1. Avarice 
    2. Bad general public mentality: 
    3. Opportunity :- 
    4. Industrial growth:- 
    5. Political system:-– 
    6. New technological development: 
    7. Soft attitude of law makers 
    8.  Social disorganization:- 

6 Remedies for curbing white collar crime:→ 

    1. Effective measures should be taken by govt. to end corruption 
    2. Even distribution of wealth should be done 
    3. should be a constant vigilance of the public.- 
    4. Govt. strict policies and law: 
    5. awareness among people: 
    6.  Active role of Judiciary:
    7.  Heavy punishment should be given to white collar crime:- 
    8.  Cases must be settled immediately:
    9.  Press and opposition: – 
  • Conclusion 

(1) Introduction  The concept of white collar crime found its place in criminal for first time in year 1944 when  Sutherland published his research paper on white collar crime. In American sociological review,  he was the first criminologist who drew attention to the nature and effect of white collar crime in  society. Crime related to job and occupation and which has been committed by high status people  of society is called as white caller crime.  

(2) Concept of white-collar Crime:→  White collar crime are nothing but antisocial activities of a person of the upper class in their occupation.  These criminals are even more dangerous than traditional criminals. Sutherland pointed out that besides  the traditional crimes such as robbery, dacoity, murder, rape, kidnappings. There are certain antisocial  activities. Which the person of upper strata of society carryout in course of their business or occupation.  These persons belong to a respectable class of society and possess some degree of reputation. 

3) What is white collar Crime ?

i) Sutherland →  

“white collar crime is committed by a person of respectability and high social status in course of his  occupation.” He defined his definition later and said, ‘White collar crime is committed by a person of upper socio economic class, who violates criminal law in  course of his occupation and professional activities.’ 

ii) Paul Tappan:→  

White collar crime is special types of solitary profession or criminality. It involves real violation of criminal  law repeatedly by business, professional and clerical workers in in addition to their occupation. 



 White Collar Crime ?
what is White Collar Crime ?


4 Elements of white-collar crime 

  1. It involves violation of legal right. 
  2. It takes place directly or indirectly in connection with the legitimate occupation.  iii) It aims to gain monetary benefit.  
  3. It is not against a specific person but against society at large.  
  4. Person of high status commits an offence in course of occupation.  
  5.  Effects of white collar crime more serious than other crime. 

5. Causes of white collar crime 

1) Avarice→  The term avarice means agreed of a person. Edwin Sutherland calls white collar criminals as an vicious  person. Because of greed of the person, he commits a crime. Man, always seeks for such job which would  give him more money. He forgets the way which he used for earning money. It may be legal or illegal,  even literate, and already wealthy people engaged in committing white collar crimes for acquiring or  utilizing more property.  

 2) Bad general public mentality:→   Most of white collar crime takes place either in business or anywhere because society accepts such  behavior as legitimate one person who shows his total property, honestly is regarded as abnormal person.  This shows that general public accepted dishonestly some extent, it is assumption that lawyer cannot  be successful if he is completely hones 

3) Opportunity :-  Unemployment is one of the cause behind the increasing criminality like theft, robbery, etc. But there is  no relevance of unemployment with white collar crime concept of white collar crime challenges traditional  assumption that absence of occupation causes crime. In fact in white collar crime. In fact in white collar  crime, employment brings an opportunity to commit an offence like white collar crime. In course of  employment, person gets various opportunities to commit white collar crime and is reason for white collar  crime. 

4) Industrial growth:-   So far as 1991, India accepted LPG model i.e. globalization, privatization and liberalization. Since the  gradual changes took place in our country. Accomplished with this we have brought information technology revolution. Because of both, industrial growth started in India. This provided opportunity to  people to commit white collar crime.  

5) Political system:-–  The political persons misuse the power and corrupt political system gives an opportunity to person to  involve in malpractices and leads to commission of white collar crimes.  

6) New technological development:→   The development of technology gives new dimensions to development of white collar crime. There has  been unprecedented growth of a new variety of computer dominance, due to this white-collar crime in  respect to cybercrimes is increasing.  

7) Soft attitude of law makers:→  the executive and judicial authorities have soft attitude towards white collar crime. The reason for this  attitude of law makers is perhaps on account of their social status and privileged position of criminals and  their social control on law makers white collar crime even control the press.  

8) Social disorganization:- Sutherland himself rightly said the social disorganization on account of individualistic policies and  competitive economies are real causes of white collar crime. White collar crime violates trust and therefore creates distrust which lowers social moral and produces social disorganization on larger scale  and this leads to white collar crime. White collar crime is to be found in process of social disorganization in communities.  

6 Remedies for curbing white collar crime:→ 

(1) Effective measures should be taken by govt. to end corruption:→   Effective measures should be taken to end the corruption in Govt. administration the political  administrative and judicial corruption must be completely uprooted. The Govt. should refuse to yield to  pre-assure of vested interests. Judiciary should be well paid and key positions must be entrusted to man  of integral.  

(2) Even distribution of wealth should be done concentration of economic wealth and power should  be minimized and Labor laws and tax laws should be strictly enforced.  

(3) should be a constant vigilance of the public.- This alone can effectively check corruption and eradicate the white-collar crime. 

(4) Govt. strict policies and law: –  Actually the policies and law are very lenient and have soft attitudes towards the white collar crime. So  it encourages white collar crime. Therefore to curb this Govt. should formulate strict policies and laws to  stop this.  

(5) Create awareness among people:→   People should be made aware of their rights and interests. They should be taught that they should not  invest their money in bogus companies by fake sweet promises of companies. They should not vote to  corrupt politicians and criminal character persons. They should agitate against the polluted politics and  rigid bureaucracy. 

(6) Active role of Judiciary:→  The Court must not excuse such criminals. They should enquire Suo-moto into minute details under he  law-enforce it is pleasurable thing to note that supreme court and high court have already concentrated  on this type of crime and impose heavy penalty.  

(7) Heavy punishment should be given to white collar crime:- Heavy punishments should be given to white collar criminals so that he will not commit that crime again  and even the people in society will not dare to commit the crime.   Rajendra prasad Vs.. State of Utter Pradesh [AIR 1979] Court observed that heavy punishment must  be given for hardened criminals and white-collar criminals.  

(8) Cases must be settled immediately:→ Cases of white-collar crimes must be settled immediately  because many years are normally required for prime investigation and further process, the gravity of  offence decreases, hence cases must be settled in less time as positively and white-collar criminals must  be punishing.  

(9) Press and opposition: –   Press and opposition parties play major role in disusing the affairs of white-collar criminals and bringing  wrongdoers before the public. Thus white-collar crime is very dangerous form of criminality. It causes gross loss to economy of nation.  Loss caused by white collar crime is many times more than other crimes white collar.

 Conclusion : this answer you can refer for your university exam. It is not mandatory to follow you can prepare or modified it.



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